News in the Gardens

At our last monthly committee meeting, Lesley (our Convenor) reminded us that we have been working in the Gardens in Fetherston now for over 14 years and it is amazing what has been achieved. These over 50 year old gardens are looking beautiful. We feel that we are achieving our aims to restore, regenerate and renew these valuable and unique gardens.

The first couple of years of volunteering in the Gardens we focussed on removing the copious amount of blackberry, ivy and other woody weeds. The volunteers then worked on reclaiming garden beds, mulching at risk spaces, saving trees and shrubs. Along the way, we found some beautiful horticultural treasures.

Fetherston Gardens Friends commenced volunteering for 2 sessions a month but now we are in the gardens around 5 or more sessions a month. The results of all the work have certainly been worthwhile. If you haven’t visited for a while, do come and see what the volunteers have achieved.

Over the last year, we have replanted around the large pond (courtesy of the Adopt-a-Park Grant, ACT Government), planted crepe myrtles along the fence line (courtesy of the Queen’s Jubilee Grant) and replanting outside the fence line on Heysen Street (courtesy of the ACT Government’s Environment Grant and the Southern ACT Catchment Group). We are about to start our latest project which will be planting in the Camellia Garden (courtesy of the Weston Creek Community Centre). We thank everyone who played their part in all of this work.

We also thank the corporate volunteering groups who have joined us for special working bees. Some have been involved for a few hours up to a day. It is always lovely to see new faces in the gardens!

Volunteers from the Fetherston Gardens Friends are also involved in multiple educational walks through the gardens as part of tree week, arboretum walks, horticultural society walks etc.

Our tasks for the next couple of months are planting natives, weeding and moving mulch. If you have any free time, feel free to join us, every little bit helps. 

Please remember to wear warm clothes, bring your gardening gloves, wear sturdy shoes and bring your water bottle. Sign on is in the Arbour. Morning tea will be shared at the Sunday working bee.

If it is raining or we have strong winds, working bees will be cancelled.

Best wishes and thank you all again!

New website

The website for Fetherston Gardens Friends is currently under development. Keep checking back over the next few weeks to see how we are progressing.